55. OCPhA Monthly Meeting Spotlights - Industry with Dr. Jorge Farias
55. OCPhA Monthly Meeting Spotlights - Industry with Dr. Jorge Farias
Today's episode delves into the world of pharmaceutical industry. Originally recorded at the OCPhA meeting of October 2021.
Dr. Jorge Farias is interviewed by OCPhA President at the time, Rod Patterson, on the field of industry and how he got into it through a very unique path. Dr. Farias provides advice to those interested in the field on how they can get into it themselves.
To reach out to Dr. Farias, you can find him on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jorgefariaspharmd/
As always, you can visit us at www.ocpha.org or you can email us at [email protected]. Follow us on social media and share this podcast with your friends!
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Until next time, OCPhA is reminding you to get determined, get inspired!